Sunday 15 July 2012

Jack Morrissey Spills on What Scenes Made it Into ‘Breaking Dawn – Part 2′

I loved the part in the book when Charlie visits the Cullens and realizes Renesmee is Edward and Bella’s child. Will this be in the movie?
Jack: It's gotta be, don't you think? Yep yep.

Will Bella attack Seth in the imprinting scene like in the book or Jacob? I'd really like it if she hurt Jacob!
Jack: You'll enjoy all aspects of the scene where Bella learns that Jacob imprinted on Renesmee. Both Jacob and Seth are in it.

Can you confirm at this point that the song from the Target clip will actually make the cut? Jack: Yes, the song from the Target clip will be in the movie, I believe.

I'm dying to know, though the scene was only alluded to in the book, will we see Jacob strip in front of Charlie?
Jack: Hope springs eternal. And you should know what that means by now. Nice body. Very nice, as you know.

Will there be a scene where Renesmee bangs on a spoon waiting for Bella to feed her?
Jack: No, we don't have that scene. Sorry!

Will Breaking Dawn – Part 2 start with Bella running thru the forest or when she wakes up? I'd love to see her backflip off the table.
Jack: Both. Heh heh heh.

Will we be seeing any flashbacks in Part 2? Especially with Bella's newfound power?
Jack: Mmmmmmmaybeeeeeee.....

When Nahuel and Hulien come to intervene in the final battle will he also have one of his sisters with him?
Jack: No, he will not. Just his aunt.

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