Saturday 8 September 2012

2012 VMA Pics and Videos!!

Rob Leaving VMA’s Thursday Evening!

Kate Spencer caught up with the Twilight actor on the VMA red carpet last night, and asked him about life as a dad since the birth of his son Monroe Jackson Rathbone VI in early July. And it sounds pretty darn adorable.
"I'm used to long hours and late nights, but it's much more rewarding raising a little baby," says the 27-year old. "He's the most wonderful thing. He's so beautiful, he's got the greatest smile, little dimples." Not only is he super precious, but he’s also a sleeper. "We are blessed because he sleeps through the night," he added. Sounds like the ideal baby situation to us!
The shift into dad-hood can be difficult, but Jackson says he’s been getting support from his folks back home. "Being a father has really connected me to my family. I've always been very grounded by my family, and my roots in Texas and Louisiana. I can't wait to get back." In addition to making time for his growing family, he says that he’s exercising his creative side. "I'm going to take some time to go to Texas and do some writing. I'm going to hole myself up and produce more as opposed to acting." But fans don’t have to worry about his face disappearing from the big screen. "I'm still acting, but I want to get behind the scenes." Check out more from last night’s action in the vid below!

Jackson Rathbone chats with Access’ Shaun Robinson at the 2012 MTV Video Music Awards about Kristen Stewart’s recent scandal. Has he spoken to either Kristen or Robert Pattinson since the scandal broke? Plus, how does he think it will affect the audience’s reception of “Breaking Dawn – Part 2″?

Many Twihards are worried that things are going to change on the promotional end for Twilight because of the Kristen Stewart cheating scandal, but the stars of the movie assure us nothing will change.

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