Wednesday 5 September 2012

Kristen in Teen Vogue for Balenciaga's Florabotanica - October 2012!!

Indie Rock

Hollywood's most enigmatic starlet sits down with Balenciaga's Nicholas Ghesquiere to talk beauty, self-confidence, and how to find your style. 

Two birds of an impossibly cool feather flocked together in Paris and sat down with Beauty Blogger for a frank-and inspiring- conversation. Read on for Kristen and  Nicholas 's POV on everything from fragrance to fame. 

Kristen Stewart: I was twelve when I started walking red carpets, and Balenciaga was the first brand I ever recognized by name. I actually wore my first Balenciaga dress to the premiere of Twilight. So, when  Nicholas  asked me to be a part of his latest project, I really would've jumped off a building to be a part of it-- even without knowing anything about it. 

Nicholas Ghesquiere: We met in 2004 at a Bruce Weber shoot, and I knew then that I wanted to do a collaboration. To me, fragrance isn't only about the smell or the bottle; its a marvelous fantasy. [The new scent] Florabotanica definitely has a fairy-tale element-- it features a botanical garden that's beautiful but dangerous. They're Balenciaga flowers. Kristen's a perfect fit for it.

KS: I'm so lucky to love it. I'm a terrible liar. The idea of "selling" something, I couldn't get behind that.

NG: That's why I made you train a lot for this role. I had you spend six months in an iron suit, running through forests. 

KS: [Laughs] It is an interesting thing to compare the story lines of fragrance and film. A lot of actors aren't comfortable being themselves outside the confines of a role-it functions as protection for them. But being surprised and discovering something unexpected- a chance encounter, dress, or smell-- is the most satisfying for me on a personal level. I fit into this fragrance's world really naturally. I didn't feel like I was doing a beauty ad, lying on a couch with a bunch of bronzer on my face. This shoot fueled me the same way a movie does. And in Nicholas, I see that same energy I feel to act bleed into fashion. I saw someone who loves what he does so much that he can't not do it. 

NG: Yes. It's quite classic advice: People should simply do what they really want to do. Have respect for others, but don't compromise. Be brave. 

KS: Right- don't be afraid.

NG: What you think is your weakness can be your strength. 

KS: Exactly! There are different people in life. One really distinguishing factor is whether you're motivated or crippled by fear- do you move toward or away from it? Its so normal as a teen to be fearful. As I'm getting older, though, I'm getting more comfortable and well versed in the fear. That's when you're challenging yourself and you're going to thrive. Life should offer things that are unexpected. Be ready to accept those experiences. 

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