Sunday 30 December 2012

We caught up with the uber talented and beautiful, Judi Shekoni, to talk: Captivating Men, Beauty Rituals, and Breaking Dawn Part 2!!

CM - You have a pretty diverse ethnic background. What is your ethnicity JS - I am a combination of African, Spanish and British blood. I love being mixed and feeling connected to so many places and people.
CM - You hail from across the pond. Beautiful Manchester, England to be exact. What do you miss about the UK when you are here in the states?
JS - I miss the crazy sense of humor that people from England and particulary Manchester have. Our humor typically involves taking the mickey/piss about yourself or whoever you are with and whoever can take it you become firm friends with.
CM - You have some of the most CAPTIVATING eyes! What part of your face and body do you get complimented on the most?
JS - I tend to get a lot of comments regarding my height as I stand at almost 6 feet tall. Men and women exclaiming their desire to be as tall and wondering what it is like, and I can exclusively reveal its awesome - being tall is a definite plus and I would not change or lose an inch of it.
CM - Can you unveil any of beauty secrets or rituals that you practice on a daily basis?
JS - I take vitamins everyday. My friend Gabi is a nutritionist and got me under her thumb - so fish oils and probiotics are part of my daily regime. Hydrate from the inside and out I hear echoeing in my head everyday.
CM - You have worked on the small screen in England and here in the US, what is the biggest difference for you going from the set of a TV Show to a huge Box Office Franchise like, Twilight?
JS - Twilight is worldwide - so it has a much larger audience, and there is something special about seeing myself on the big screen. Also there are only so many things in the world that people camp out for and Twilight is one of them. The Twilight fans are so dedicated that this is a new experience that nothing else is similar too. Eastenders was wonderful though in it being my first entrance into primetime television and as an actress having time to develop a character and move her through many difference life experiences on the series.
CM - Tell us more about your character, Zafrina, from Breaking Dawn Pt. 2.....
JS - Zafrina is an Amazonian vampire and she has a special power - she can make people see anything she wishes. She is asked by the Cullens to come and help them against the Vulturi and she and her powers are useful to them in their time of need. She is ferral, has a strong family instinct and very red eyes.
CM - Did you get any "battle scars" from stunts on set?
JS - I actually did hurt my little finger whilst practising stunts - but I kind of liked it - it made me feel tough that I was really participating and putting myself on the line for this character and film.
CM - What is the most CAPTIVATING thing about a man that catches your eye?
JS - His natural confidence and swagger - a man should be a man and the more sure he is of himself and his own truth the more attractive I find it

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