Sunday 30 December 2012

Interview with Booboo Stewart for Captivate Magazine!!

CM - You are officially the youngest cover story for Captivate Magazine! You turned eighteen earlier this year. Did you do anything special to celebrate?​​
​BBS - Wow! I didn't know that. It's an honor to be the youngest cover--and not really--I spent it with my family, pretty low key

CM - Being apart of such a huge Box Office Franchise like, The Twilight Saga, how has it changed your life for the good and the bad?
BBS - Well it's so far been all good--I have been all over the world, met amazing people and there are so many more opportunities for me now.

CM - What have you learned, as a young actor, being on the set of such a huge Franchise?
BBS - I have learned how to deal with the down time (Laughs)

CM - How has your character developed since, Breaking Dawn Part 1? 
BBS - Well I think he is still the same guy, just wants everyone to get along

CM - Do you hang out with any of the Twilight cast outside of set?
BBS - Not really, we are all busy in our own careers

CM - Have you gotten used to screaming girls and over zealous fans or is it still something unfamiliar?
BBS - (Laughs) I don't think you really ever get used to it

CM - What is a "fan moment" that stands out to you that you have recently experienced? ​
BBS - It would be hard to single one out--the fans are so dedicated and nice, I am always amazed.

CM - Do you have any celebrity crushes of your own?
BBS - Zooey Deschanel

CM - Are there any directors or actors/actresses you would like to work with in the future?
BBS - Oh yeah, a bunch directors- Paul Thomas Anderson, Chuck Russell, Michael Bay, --I just met Bryan Singer he was great. Actors -Jim Caviezel, Joaquin Phoenix, Heath Ledger if he was still alive -what a loss.

CM - Are there any future projects you have in the works that you are liberty to speak about?
BBS - Well I have a few films coming out this spring--White Frog, Running Deer and Space Warriors--and I am about to go into production on The Well

CM - Aside from acting, what other crafts do you practice?
BBS - I have been putting together a comic book I am illustrating

CM - When you're not working, what do you do in your spare time?
BBS - Play guitar and drums and watch movies.

CM - What kind of music do you have in your ipod?
BBS - all kinds

CM - We understand that philanthropy is very important to you - which causes do you support?
BBS - Child Help and the Los Angeles Mission are two of the main ones.

CM - Out of all the television and movies you have done, which Tv show or movie was the most fun to work on?
BBS - I would say White Frog because my character was so interesting and involved

CM - What was the last compliment you received from a woman?
BBS - 'you're nice' I guess

CM - What are turn offs when it comes to women?
BBS - I don't like it when someone eats with their mouth open

CM - What part of your body do you get the most compliments? 
BBS - I guess my stomach.

CM - What CAPTIVATES you about women? What are your turn-ons?
BBS - A great smile and personality.

CM - Do you have anything special you would like to say to your fans?
BBS - Just a huge THANK YOU!!!

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